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12 years of writing and 4 years of blogging

Hi everyone

As said on my other blog , if you know that one, today is a great day. Its the day I was born, but more importantly the day 12 years ago I picked up a pencil and started to write lol and 4 years ago I made this blog. So thank you for being here through it all. I never really wanted to have a lot of readers turns out I do. Followers yes I whined and complained about but I have readers!!!! Uh good enough for me I can hope aboard the espresso train of happiness. Heres to another 4 years. I think my aunt would be very proud of me. She loved me to show her my blogs and the many pics of me. I think that was the only follower that I needed. 



erika sorocco said…
I'm sorry this is late, but...Happy, Happy Belated Birthday and Bloggversary!

Here's to many more years full of words and wonderment!

P.S. Your nail color selections this week sound gorgey!! :)
NO NO thanks indeed im very flattered.

Pss. yeah I pick the subtle but noticeable colors lol

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