Happy 13th Blog Anniversary
I mean * shrugs shoulders* I had a lot going on, but I am here today, making sure I post this. I have never missed a post, and I still got photos to share because I didn't get to have the dinner or photo that I wanted. Iced Red-eye from Vigilante Coffee I never have the words to say other than thank you. Because I started this to have another writing outlet. This is my world, my world of a muse. When all is wrong, I can turn to this and not worry. I think that's why I never pursued a career in this. I am often asked why. It's the look on their faces when they realized that I have been around for 13 years and still doing it with little to no payout. I didn't start it for that. This was before the whole Influencer thing. Besides, I get bored with social media ( only Pinterest I love) and will not post. I think year 13 was fun. I overcame a lot but still have al to go. Over the years, so many highs and lows, but I look back through my blogs a...