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Red bull, Coffee, Vodka poem

I wrote this havin all of the following things in the title. hope u like it i hate poems so I wont be mad if u dont like it.

We aren’t going to be….

We aren’t going to be .

I sit out on the balcony and wait for you.

We aren’t going to be.

I work this way and you work that.

Never to compromise, or at least more on your part.

We aren’t going to be.

I wish to touch you at times but then again, I have came to realize..

We aren’t going to be.

I want to yell at you when I finally get to talk to you. No phone only internet communication.

We aren’t going to be.

You may think that you are right on this one.

But one thing still remains.

We aren’t going to be.

Tell me why I have to make up the poem that sticks and nags me in my head.

Tell me why I have to write my feelings down in words in stead of actions. Maybe I have realize why and I understand that…

We aren’t going to be.

Can we change that?

I am not asking for the world, I am not asking for the impossible I am asking for the obvious.

I cant love text messages and emails.

But I can love you.

But then again …..

We aren’t going to be

We are the weirdest of friends.

When I look at it, I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I know it may be changing because the paths that are taking.

Find a new perspective in love and life huh.

Have you realized that…

We aren’t going to be

Maybe I will shed a tear tonight because you are not here

And I may never read this or send this so that you can see that..

We aren’t going to be.


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