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New Coffee Take


How are you? Well todays blog is on a new take on a coffeehouse visit. so this morning I had a last min ask to watch my nephew for a little bit. I was just gettin up, and tired from up all night of working on things im still not done on! I was determined to get coffee, I said alright and headed down to meet her . She gave me him and his car seat and we headed out. Hes the youngest out of all of my nieces and nephews and I tell you a 1 year old running around in starbux down here where im located isnt likely. Up where I live yeah its everywhere. But i think it was funny for them and they were very amused. He was very good. I asked him did he want juice or milk  he told me milk and handed me his cup. so, he had organic milk and a sandwich. He jumped up and down on the couch and I happened to snap a pic, lmao its like blurry because he laughed when i held my phone up. Oh, I am now just drinking my drink I ordered. Didnt have time! Hes sleep I am catching up on work. Thank You internet.

What is something new that you have did via a coffeehouse?


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