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Coffee Confessionals : How do you Latte ?

Emi here on a sick day, though I do not work today lol. Finally was made to go to the emergency room last night ( I do listen to my oemma) and got all of these lovely meds. So I am thinking, why not go for a latte. How do you like your latte?

For my newly caffeinated friend's quick recap on traditional latte contents.

  • Espresso
  • Steamed Milk
  • Foam
Not to get it mixed up with a Cappuccino  that contains
  • Espresso 
  • Steamed milk
  • Foam
I get asked a lot by family, friends and coffee lovers who come into a new coffee shop and are perplexed on what to order. I always tell them these two things. 
  1. Either house coffee ( you usually can get it refilled for cheap or free)
  2. Lattes. I prefer an Iced Vanilla Latte. 

How Do You Latte?


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